How to sunscreen in hot summer?

In the hot summer, the most important thing for girls who love beauty is to prevent being sunburned, otherwise the whitening and whitening of a winter will be done.

First, sunscreen

Ultraviolet light is the direct culprit that causes melanin to precipitate black skin, form dark spots and generate wrinkles. Therefore, the simplest and most basic method to prevent skin from becoming black spots is to minimize ultraviolet radiation. We must try to do the following:

1. Avoid exposure. Try to avoid the strongest sunshine from 10 am to 3 pm, as well as the beach, the beach, the top of the mountain, etc.

2. Carry an anti-UV umbrella, hat, sunglasses, and long-sleeved clothes in cotton and linen. But these can only block a part of the ultraviolet rays, and the parasols and sun hats cannot block the ultraviolet rays reflected from the ground.

3. Use sunscreen properly. Many people think that the use of sunscreen does not have any effect. This is mainly due to the improper use of the sunscreen. The correct use of sunscreen should pay attention to the following:

(1) Select sunscreens with different SPF values depending on the situation. The sunscreen selected should not only have UVB (tanning sunburn) function, but also UVA (long skin wrinkles).

The higher the sun protection value, the greater the burden on the skin and the more likely it is to cause skin irritation. So choose sunscreen, not the bigger the sun protection factor, the better. And it is best to wash the sunscreen in time after returning home.

SPF value can be used in daily life between 10-15, SP+ sunscreen, shopping malls can choose SPF value between 15-20, SP++ sunscreen, travel optional SPF value between 20-30, SP+++ Sunscreen, sunscreen (waterproof) with SPF value of 30 or more for swimming and sunbathing, and supplement once every 2-3 hours. If you are doing underwater activities, you need to make up 80 minutes.

(2), UV damage to the skin, even in the winter, indoors, will exist on cloudy days. In the cloudy or shade, the UV intensity will only be reduced by about 30%. Therefore, the use of sunscreen should be adhered to the four seasons, and the wind and rain will not stop.

(3), sunscreen takes a certain time to be absorbed and function, so it should be applied 20-30 minutes before going out.

(4), SPF value can not be added, and can not be used before makeup, when you apply sunscreen, you need to remove makeup before applying.

(5), the use of sunscreen must reach a certain thickness to have an effect. Too thin can not achieve the desired effect, too thick will cause a burden on the skin. Generally, the amount of application is 2 mg per square centimeter, one arm should be applied 2-2.5 g at a time, and the face should be applied 1-1.5 g at a time.

4, the damage of the sun is cumulative. Most of the melanin in adults is caused by exposure to childhood. Whitening anti-plaque sunscreen should start from children, never too early. 6 months old babies can't take a beach bath. Before 7 years old, children should wear T-shirts and apply children's sunscreen. Before 18 years old, it is the key to sun protection.

5, timely post-sun repair

Tanning is a state of burns. For skin that has been exposed to the sun, it should be repaired after sunburn. Cool with cold water or ice water, or use ultrasonic spray for 20 minutes to reduce the activity of melanin and free radicals, and add moisture to minimize UV damage. It can also be repaired with after-sun repair products containing ingredients such as aloe vera and mint.

Second, maintain a happy spirit, regular life, and appropriate exercise.

Mental disturbances can cause abnormal hormone secretion. Stress, anxiety, temper, and insomnia fatigue will increase the production and expansion of dark spots. Hormone imbalance leads to uneven distribution of melanocyte molecules, and proper exercise can prevent diseases, accelerate blood circulation, regulate blood and endocrine, and have certain anti-plaque effect.

Third, the nutritional balance to develop the correct eating habits.

Insufficient nutrient intake can lead to lack of nutrition, leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction, poor liver function, and more serious dark spots. Irritating foods, especially coffee, cola, strong tea, tobacco and alcohol, can cause melanin molecules to float on the surface of the skin, forming and expanding dark spots. The elderly in the south have more age spots than the north, and it is not unrelated to them to develop the habit of drinking strong tea.

On the contrary, Vc and VB3 can effectively inhibit melanin formation, reduce melanin transmission to keratinocytes, promote melanocyte detachment, and promote epidermal protein synthesis to enhance skin's own defense ability. Therefore, in the diet should pay attention to eat more fruits and vegetables rich in Vc and VB3, and avoid eating photosensitive food such as citrus, lemon, carrot, celery, coriander before sun exposure.

Fourth, avoid using inferior cosmetics and certain drugs.

Some cosmetics contain too much chemical pigments and mineral oils, which are particularly sensitive to UV absorption, thus stimulating the proliferation of melanocytes. There are also some whitening products that are one-sided pursuit of whitening effect. The mercury-containing lead is seriously exceeded. Long-term use can also cause cosmetic poisoning and form dark spots.

In addition, long-term oral contraceptives, or allergic to other drugs, can also cause the formation of dark spots.

1, avoid exposure, apply sunscreen before going out

Try to avoid the strongest sunshine from 10 am to 3 pm, especially in the summer. When going out, you must apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out (including before going to work), otherwise you will just go out and go out, which means that the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light without protection. Also, wear hats, parasols, sunglasses, and long-sleeved pants as much as possible. Even if you wear a sunscreen, apply sunscreen because the ultraviolet rays will be reflected to the face through the ground.

2, do not ignore the key parts of sun protection

From the height of the five senses, since the above positions belong to the high-light area, the raised parts are more likely to attract ultraviolet rays, and the sunscreen is insufficient to form spots. Therefore, the sunscreen multiplier can be increased moderately, so that the problem of uneven skin tone can be avoided, and the outdoor seaside selection of PA+++ is most suitable.

In addition, the mouth corner and the nose are also easy to be ignored when rubbing the sun. After rubbing the whole face, you can gently apply some sunscreen to the middle finger to prevent uneven application.

3, sunscreen must be applied

No matter how strong the sunscreen is, it needs to be recoated. Even the waterproof sunscreen will be wiped off by the towel you wiped while swimming. So, remember to repeatedly apply sunscreen. If you are outdoors, the environment is hot and sweaty. You may need to apply it once in less than 1 hour. If it is in a cool environment with no sun exposure, you can replenish it in 5-6 hours.

4, waterproof sunscreen to remove makeup

Non-waterproof sunscreens can be washed off with warm water. For waterproof sunscreens, because of their long-lasting formula and waterproof formula, facial cleanser is washed like a "separate bath", so use cleansing oil first. Soluble oil can be removed most effectively and gently. If you do not completely remove makeup, it is easy to clog your pores and cause acne.

5, sunscreen should be sufficient

If there is a lack of sunscreen, then there is no difference between sunscreen and no sunscreen. According to the study, even if the SPF50 has a high-power sunscreen, if the amount of application is less than half of the specification, it will only have the protective effect of SPF4, and the natural protective function of human skin is also around SPF4. The amount of cream texture is about 2 peanuts. The amount of water emulsion is about 2 dimes. Apply one of them first, then apply another one every 10-15 minutes. This is easier to apply. Missing ears, neck parts.

6, apply sunscreen tactics to shoot

Apply sunscreen to the smear, take a proper amount between the fingers or palms, gently smudge and pat open the area where you need sunscreen. The sunscreen is very large. Don't push it too hard and squeeze it into the pores. It is easy to "sludge the mud" and it will clog the pores, but it will reduce the sunscreen effect.

7, should choose low SPF index sunscreen, apply multiple times

For sensitive skin, if it is not outdoor activities, it is best to choose a low-index sunscreen, because the higher the sunscreen index, the better the sunscreen effect. Conversely, the higher the SPF index, the more chemicals it contains and the greater the damage to the skin. Therefore, for OL MMs, or those with weak skin, it is best to use a low-fold sunscreen and apply it multiple times.

8, after the sun repair is the first to calm the hydration

The first thing to whiten after drying is not to whiten immediately, but to replenish water. Don't think that there is no need to replenish water in summer sweat. In fact, sweat takes away the moisture inside the skin, especially after the sun has sunburned, the skin's water is lost a lot. The skin will be very dry, and whitening will not work. Therefore, first use a product with calming and hydrating to add sufficient water to the skin, first fix it and then whiten it.