Autumn skin care, how to repair summer damage?

After a summer of sunshine, I believe that everyone's skin is not much hurt by the summer, whether it is the irregular color of the color, the fine lines that make you old, or the dry skin that feels rough. Make the beauty of MM greatly discounted! How can we eliminate the summer damage just after entering the autumn?

1, the skin looks dry and wrinkled

In summer, the heat is hot and hot, and it is often sweating with a little bit of sweat. A lot of sweat brings out the moisture of our skin at the same time. In such hot and sticky days, MM can easily ignore the importance of moisturizing, make the skin dry and produce some Small lines, it looks old, not just a few years old!

Nothing else, the moisturizer is right.

On the makeup floating powder, fine lines like spring after spring shoots out, these may be because the daily moisturizing is not done enough, especially in the summer UV attack and assist, the skin is sore! MM are squatting in the season, in addition to paying attention to daily life Moisturizing, but also to strengthen the moisturizing type of moisturizing, in order to have the opportunity to turn the tide.

Do a good job of oil and water balance

Daily maintenance of the oil and moisture of the skin can effectively avoid the phenomenon of muscle shortage. Moisture is a moisturizing lotion. Oil can be understood as a moisturizing lotion or cream. According to your skin type, the appropriate amount should be added. Can effectively maintain functional balance.

Don't over clean

MMs all know that cleaning in skin care plays a very important role, but it is not as long as the number of cleanings is as good as possible. It is not that the skin is dry and wrinkled and it is clean. Everyday we have to wash our face with cold water. Cold water helps to shrink pores. The hotter the water, the higher the oil and the more clean it is, but it is a kind of damage to the skin. The product of washing your face is better to choose moisturizing type!

2, the skin feels rough

Obviously do the usual daily skin care process, rubbing the lady's skin care products, but I feel that it can not absorb the impervious, the skin feels not only not smooth, but also grainy? This means that you have been left in summer for accumulation. Cuticles!


The keratin is easy to accumulate, especially the MM with slower metabolism, and the keratin is more accumulated. After daily washing of the face, use gentle exfoliating products, acne-free essence for keratin removal, or use mild products such as salicylic acid. Use it every day in acne-prone areas such as nose, chin, etc. . But be careful, you must also grasp the degree of exfoliation, don't be too frequent!

3, uneven skin color, spotted spots to find the door

After a fierce attack of sizzling UV rays in the summer, you will find that the skin color looks uneven and even spots when you are not doing well. How can we be happy to be a girl?

Full range of sunscreen

To choose a refreshing type of sunscreen suitable for your skin type, apply a sufficient amount to spread evenly, and then go out 20 to 30 minutes before sunscreen work to effectively block UV rays. Also apply effective blemishes and destroy them when the spots are not arrogant!