Skin care products should be preserved in this way to be durable and not degraded!

Many sister papers like to try different brands of skin care products, so it often happens that many bottle skin care products are opened at the same time. How to preserve skin care products after opening is not easy to deteriorate, can you use it for a longer time? Is it suitable for all the freezer? Below, I will share with you how to save skin care products. It is very practical. Everyone should learn.

First, the preservation of sunscreen

The effect of sunscreen is sunscreen, but I don't know that the sunscreen is the sun. High temperatures not only deactivate the sunscreen factor in sunscreens, but plastic bottles also release chemicals that increase the level of sunscreen deterioration.

Sunscreen should be placed in a drawer or other place away from light, especially in a car. Moreover, it is best to shake the sunscreen before use. It is enough to have at least 5 cents of a face.

Second, the preservation of toner

Toner is actually one of the most vulnerable skin care products. In particular, some sister papers like to pour the toner directly into the palm of the hand, and the reflowed toner will be poured back into the bottle with sweat and contaminated the toner that has not been used.

When using toner, we should avoid contact with both hands, but use a cotton pad to pour out the bottle. The bag of cotton pads should also be remembered and must be sealed. In addition, try to avoid using the bottle to pour the toner, because the unfilled bottle will also deteriorate the toner. Another point is that the toner is afraid of heat, and the toner should be avoided from the heat source and light source in order to ensure that the toner does not accelerate deterioration.

Third, the preservation of facial cleanser

Everyone is used to putting cleansing products such as facial cleanser in the bathroom, especially powdered cleaning products such as cleansing flour, which will agglomerate after damp and the cleaning function will be greatly reduced. The creamy facial cleanser is also the same. After the damp, the fungus in the facial cleanser will accelerate and multiply. After a long time, the facial cleanser will deteriorate, and it is easy to cause skin problems on the face.

Cleanser, we better not put it in the shower, try to put it on the edge of the sink. Screw the cap after use, and don't throw it away. The sink should also be kept ventilated and dry as much as possible. When you find that the texture of the facial cleanser becomes watery or has an odor, do not continue to use it.

Fourth, the preservation of cream

In general, creams are packaged in wide-mouth bottles, so they mislead people to use their hands to dig creams. There are so many bacteria on your hands that even if you pay attention to cleaning, you will inevitably bring bacteria into the bottle. The bacteria will only multiply faster in the high-nutrient cream bottle, and the cream will soon deteriorate.

When using a wide-mouth bottle of cream, use a dipstick or a disposable cotton swab to apply the cream. After the application, first close the bottle cap, reduce the time the cream is exposed to the air, and then apply the cream.

Fifth, the preservation of essence

Essence is the highest price in all skin care products. If it is not carefully preserved, it will be deteriorated if it is not used. It is too bad. Although most of the essence is vacuum and shading, it is best to use it as soon as possible during the use period. And be placed away from light.