The key to moisturizing autumn skin care

Oil and water balance, strengthen water supply

In the fall, although there is no hot summer heat, but because the air is dry, the water is easy to evaporate and become drier. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the moisturizing and maintain the balance of oil and water of the skin, so as to effectively reduce various kinds of water and oil imbalance. Skin problems.


In the autumn, the weather is slowly getting colder, the moisture and humidity in the air are decreasing, causing the skin to face dry and tight conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the moisturizing. In addition to choosing moisturizing products, it is also necessary to use moisturizing products. It moisturizes and moisturizes the skin, hydrates the skin deeply, firmly locks in the moisture in the skin, and moisturizes it.

Sun care

Although the autumn sun is not so toxic, but the sunscreen step is indispensable, even if there is no sunlight, the skin is also invisible to ultraviolet rays, sunscreen is a required course every season, not only to apply sunscreen before going out Also, bring other sun protection tools to avoid UV rays.

Washing and softening

Even if it is not so serious in the autumn, the cleansing of the facial skin is indispensable every day. Cleaning can take away the stains attached to the skin, remove the makeup, clear the pores, and add 5-10 minutes of massage. It will speed up the circulation of blood, promote metabolism, make the skin more free to breathe, effectively reduce the occurrence of acne, blackheads, and after the face massage, put on some astringent lotion to help the skin whitening.

Develop a good habit of using cream

The creamy texture is lipophilic and can replenish the phospholipids in the stratum corneum, making the muscles more full and full. So, no matter how many maintenance procedures, don't forget to use water cream to seal up moisture and nutrients. In order to lock the nutrients into the skin in the fall.

Mask care

The dry air in autumn causes the skin to lose a lot of moisture, which makes it more dry and unbalanced. It causes the complexion to be dark and the toxins are not discharged smoothly. In this case, a moisturizing mask can be applied before going to bed, which can be used in a short time. To replenish the skin and moisturize the skin, do it 2-3 times a week, the effect is very good.

Night care

It is difficult to avoid ultraviolet rays during the daytime, and the dust and air damage, as well as the residual makeup left after makeup, will be attached to the surface of the skin, clog the pores, causing blackheads, acne, acne, etc., so the face must be thoroughly at night. Clean, especially make-up products must be removed clean, open pores, let the toxins discharge smoothly, keep the skin fresh and clean.